As a business owner, you’re probably always looking for ways to work smarter, not harder. This is exactly what data analytics can help you do. While you may be gathering data, you might not be using it effectively. Data science is the key that unlocks the power of the information you aren’t using, turning raw data into actionable steps.
Did you know, 78% of non-profits using advanced analytics have been able to achieve their mission more efficiently? By leveraging data effectively, you can experience a true game-changer for your organization.
Think about this: With strategic data analytics, you’re empowered to make better budget decisions, figure out why a campaign’s not working, gain insight into organizational changes, forecast outcomes and more.
There are four types of data analytics that can help organizations such as yours:
- Predictive analytics: Finding trends in data to predict future outcomes
- Diagnostic analytics: Finding causes for organizational issues and drawing connections among variables
- Descriptive analytics: Diving deep into a specific period of data to gain insight
- Prescriptive analytics: Forecasting outcomes, with suggested courses of action
Interested in learning more about how data analytics can help non-profits? Want to achieve greater efficiency in reaching organizational goals? Take a look at the accompanying resource, which not only further explains the four types of data analytics, but also shows why and how to use those analytics effectively.
Infographic created by Sylogist.